When choosing a homeopath there are a many things to consider. Unfortunately some people make their choice without much guidance. Choosing a homeopath is not like choosing an allopathic doctor. Whether you personally like your western doctor or not, they are all mostly going to give you the same medications for the same conditions. The training of allopaths is very standardized and there is really not much deviation from how they are legally allowed to treat you these days. They most always give antibiotics for bacterial infections and steroids for persistent or serious inflammation.
In contrast to allopaths, homeopaths have thousands of medicines to choose from. The right choices work ,and the wrong choices do nothing. Therefore the skill of the individual homeopath becomes the most important factor in the success or failure of homeopathic medicine.
To make matters more complicated there there are wide variations amongst practitioners in levels of education, knowledge, and experience. Homeopaths have many options of how, and where to train. Some schools are far more rigorous with teaching the fundamentals than others, and what often matters the most is how much post graduate training and clinical supervision the practitioner has had.
Homeopathy is both a medical science and a medical art. To be a good homeopath requires both right brain and left brain thinking. A good scientific homeopath must have a thorough knowledge of the human body and of human psychology. They must understand the true nature of disease, and they must have a thorough knowledge of the medicines at his or her disposal.
The artistic homeopath must be an exceptional listener, have a high degree of intuition and empathy, and really deeply understand each patient on a physical, emotional, and even spiritual level.
Even if a homeopath has all these natural abilities and has had excellent schooling, they must also have years of practical experience, and seen thousands of cases before they will be considered excellent. Having treated at least 5,000 patients makes a big difference in how good a homeopath is. The homeopaths who have treated 10,000, 20,000, or more patients are even better. Experience is so valuable because it brings confidence. An experienced homeopath will be far more likely to prescribe a remedy that works, and they will have the confidence to know how to manage a complex chronic case. The Knowledge, Experience, and Compassion of the homeopath are the three pillars of excellence that determine the ability of the homeopath to treat you successfully.