The terms allopathic and homeopathic were first coined by the founder of homeopathy Samuel Hanhemann in the early 19th century to describe two opposite ways of thinking about disease and the treatment of disease.
Allopathy means the “against” or “opposite” way to treat disease . The logic here is simple. In order to cure disease, medicine which opposes the disease must be given . What most people don’t know is that both Ayurveda and Chinese medicine, as well as most herbal medicines, are also mostly allopathic in their basic approach. All three would say that to treat cold you give hot. If you are hot you should cool down.
From the modern western allopathic perspective, most disease is caused either by an external agent, (ie bacteria or virus) or by an auto immune condition. In western medicine, bacteria is aggressively attacked with antibiotics which are designed to kill the offending organism as quickly as possible. The thinking here is that the bacteria is the cause of the illness and if it is quickly destroyed then the body can regain heath. Herbal allopathic medicine might use garlic, oregano oil, or grapefruit seed extract with the same intention. Many naturopaths use penicillin which is actually made from a mold and is a “natural” antibiotic.
This all sounds logical and good, but is it? Even though antibiotics can destroy pathogens, they are incapable of restoring health. After the antibiotic has done its job, the bodies own regulatory systems must still work to heal inflamed tissue and to restore healthy bacteria in the places where the unhealthy ones previously took up residence. Such a bacterial “ wipe out” however weakens the immune response and kills much of the diversity of good bacteria. Because the antibiotics do usually kill the pathogen, the patient does fell better for a while. However the bill has not yet been paid. The debt in terms of decreased vitality, and susceptibility to more disease in the future will certainly come due in time. Understanding this ,why would anyone want to intentionally weaken the very system that is needed to restore their own health?
If asked can the body really get rid of harmful bacteria on its own? The short answer is absolutely yes, with the correct homeopathic remedy to assist.
An Auto immune disease occurs when the bodies own immune system is reacting strangely and causing inappropriate symptoms after contact with a benign stimulus. . Think of allergy to roses. The smell of roses is not causing harm to the body, but the immune system overreacts as if it had just encountered a severe noxious substance like poison ivy.
With auto immune diseases, the western approach is to suppress the immune system with antihistamines, steroids, and other even more powerful drugs. The logic here is that by suppressing the immune system the symptoms can not manifest and the patient feels relief. This is how steroids work. Again why would anyone want to knowingly suppress their immune system if there were another way to heal?
Homeopathy on the other hand means the “similar” way to treat disease. Homeopathy has tremendous respect for power of the human immune system, and homeopaths understand that the most effective medicine is ability of the body to heal itself.
Homeopathic medicines go directly to the main point. They trust the body right away to do the job, naturally and efficiently. When a homeopathic remedy that is similar in nature to the to the body’s disease is given in an acute infection, the immune system is prompted into rapid and accurate action to fight the offending bacteria. The homeopathic remedy is given in such a tiny dose it can do no damage to the body. A good homeopath knows exactly how to stimulate the immune system to get rid of dangerous pathogens and to quickly bring about a healing response. A simple example of the homeopathic principle would be that if you burn your hand, you would very gently and briefly wave the painful area over warm heat. Contrary to what one might think, this brings about a quick healing response and much less pain for a shorter period of time. When one puts one’s burned hand directly in ice water (allopathic approach) the pain may decrease right away, but then returns and continues for a much longer period of time. ie, redness and throbbing that can persist for hours.
The homeopathic approach to auto immune disease is to heal the imbalanced immune system. It is not a matter of suppressing the immune response, but rather bringing it gently back to normal. We need to posess a healthy immune system to take care of real diseases when they arise, we do not need one weakened by antibiotics and steroids.
Homeopathy does not try to kill bacteria directly with medicine, and we do not try to suppress our immune system. We consider such aggressive approaches both unnecessary and detrimental. They only tend to weaken the organism and invite more disease in the future. The more aggressive the treatment the greater the long term weakness of the patient. The best news is that homeopathy actually strengthens the immune system and the internal vitality of the patient. Think of the homeoapthic remedy as a bicycle or a pair of cross country skis for the immune system. Each can take you where you go and at the same time make you stronger.
Homeopaths understand that it is especially important for children to use homeopathy so that they their natural immunity develops into a strong and healthy ally.